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Calculating the median with where clause condition - sqlite

I am trying to calculate the median stay and average total spent (Room_Spend + Food_Spend) from the below table in sqlite -

    Stay Int,
    Residence Text,
    Purpose TEXT,
    Room_Spend INT,
    Food_Spend INT);
INSERT INTO test (Stay, Residence, Purpose, Room_Spend, Food_Spend) VALUES (10, 'Italy', 'Business', 5, 5);   
INSERT INTO test (Stay, Residence, Purpose, Room_Spend, Food_Spend) VALUES (2, 'Italy', 'Leisure', 0, 0);  
INSERT INTO test (Stay, Residence, Purpose, Room_Spend, Food_Spend) VALUES (5, 'Italy', 'Leisure', 0, 0);  
INSERT INTO test (Stay, Residence, Purpose, Room_Spend, Food_Spend) VALUES (10, 'Germany', 'Business', 0, 0);  
INSERT INTO test (Stay, Residence, Purpose, Room_Spend, Food_Spend) VALUES (3, 'Germany', 'Business', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO test (Stay, Residence, Purpose, Room_Spend, Food_Spend) VALUES (5, 'Germany', 'Business', 1, 1);

I am new to sql and this is what I have:

FROM (SELECT stay, Residence
      FROM test
      ORDER BY stay
      LIMIT 2 - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test) % 2    -- odd 1, even 2
      OFFSET (SELECT (COUNT(*) - 1) / 2))

Any help is much appreaciated!


  • One approach uses analytic functions:

    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Stay) rn,
                  COUNT(*) OVER () AS cnt,
                  AVG(Room_Spend + Food_Spend) OVER () AS total_spent
        FROM test
    SELECT AVG(Stay) AS Stay, MAX(total_spent) AS total_spent
    FROM cte
    WHERE rn = (cnt / 2) + 1 AND cnt % 2 = 1 OR
          rn IN (cnt / 2, cnt / 2 + 1) AND cnt % 2 = 0;