I'm lost. I've tried almost all I know. In my other component, similar process works fine, but in this one there is something obviously wrong implemented.
I have a Context Provider, and set two values to share, a function to call an Api and retrieve a list of contacts (getContactsList
), and a variable where I put that list of contacts (contactsList
I call getContactsList
in useEffect
. Later, I can use contactsList
variable, but is always an empty array. I know that the problem is related to Promises and async functions maybe, but I can't find the mistake in my code.
I left here a copy of the components, starting for the view component that has the problem:
Detail Component:
function ContactDetail() {
const { getContactsList, contactsList } = useContext(ContactsContext);
const { id } = useParams();
useEffect(() => { getContactsList().catch(null) }, []);
const contact = contactsList?.filter(c => {
return (Number(c.id) === Number(id))
return (
{contact? "contact finded" : "contact not finded"}
async function apiCall (
method = "get",
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {
const r = await response.json();
return r;
catch (err) {
function ContactsProvider({ children }) {
const [ contactsList,setContactsList ] = useState([]);
const getContactsList = async () => {
try {
const contactsResult = await apiCall("https://fakeurl.com");
catch(err) {
return (
<ContactsContext.Provider value={{getContactsList, contactsList}}>
Also, the code is in my GitHub: https://github.com/thenablyn/local-search-browser.git
The error was that I forgot to get the first element when I did the array.filter() method. It's a Jr mistake.
The code in that assignment has to be like this:
const [contact] = contactsList.filter(...); //this get the first element and assign to constant "contact"