I need to select all the fields in a row that are grouped by a certain field and contain the minimum of another field (points), using another field to break ties (id).
Example of data:
id | game | points | hash |
1 | x | 5 | ax8 |
1 | z | 4 | bc4 |
2 | y | 2 | df8 |
2 | x | 1 | fd8 |
3 | x | 2 | fda0 |
3 | y | 2 | fzlf |
3 | z | 2 | z89w |
Desired Result:
id | game | point | hash |
2 | x | 1 | fd8 |
2 | y | 2 | df8 |
3 | z | 2 | z89w |
So I'd like to return the row of the minimum amount of points scored in each game and the id that scored it. Notice that if there is a tie, like in game y where id 3 and 2 both scored 2 points, i'd like the row with id 2. In the actual table there are more fields with relevant data.
Current Solution:
FROM games g1
SELECT game, MIN(Point) MinPoint
FROM games g2
) g2
ON g1.game = g2.game AND g1.point = g2.MinPoint
However, I get duplicate rows where two ids scored the same minimum on a game.
Rank your rows with ROW_NUMBER
select id, game, points
row_number() over (partition by game
order by points, id) as rn
from games g
) ranked
where rn = 1
order by game;
This requires MySQL 8.
Another solution: select all rows for which not exists a better row.
select *
from games g
where not exist
select null
from games g2
where g2.game = g.game
g2.points < g.points
(g2.points = g.points and g2.id < g.id)
order by game;