My provider is used inside a custom widget that is used as ListTile
inside the parent widget .
The provider is inside a stream
that fetches data from a Firebase database
, when the stream is triggered it stores the new data inside the provider as a Map
The provider is called LastMessage
and the Map
is called messageMap
, new data gets added using the function updateMap
var messageInstance = Provider.of<global.LastMessage>(context, listen: false);
StreamSubscription<Event> updates;
// roomId is a string that is used as a key
updates = ref.child(RoomId).onChildAdded.listen((event) async{ // the stream works correctly and the new data gets stored
String _x = await getLastMessage();// a function that gets the data from the database
messageInstance.updateMap(RoomId, _x);
class LastMessage extends ChangeNotifier{
Map<String, String> messageMap = {};
void updateMap(String RoomID, String lastMessage){
messageMap[RoomID] = lastMessage;
Now the problem is that even after messageMap
is updated the widget doesn't get rebuilt when listen
is set to false
, although it works when listen
is true
but it makes the whole app very slow
The solution was using StreamBuilder instead of provider to update the widget