I have a task: to count the number of elements in the array that are less than the entered number. How to properly compare an array element with this variable? It turns out to compare the value of an element with a constant, but not with the entered number My code:
.model small
.stack 100h
array db 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6
n db 3, ?, 3 dup(?)
counter dw 0
StrToNumber PROC
mov bh, [si + 2]
mov bl, [si + 3]
sub bx, 3030h
mov al, 10
mul bh
add al, bl
;started program exe
mov ax,@data
mov ds, ax
mov ah, 0Ah
lea dx, n
int 21h
lea si, n
call StrToNumber
mov cl, al
lea bx, array
mov ax, [bx]
cmp ax, 0
jge skip
push bx
lea bx, counter
mov ax, [bx]
inc ax
mov [bx], ax
pop bx
add bx, 4
loop beg
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
end start
Your StrToNumber proc is rather special, but it will yield correct results if you input single digit values with a prepended 0. Like "04" for the value 4.
The loop beg
instruction depends on the CX
register. You have setup the CL
register only. You need to zero CH
The array is defined to contain bytes, yet your code processes words and advances by dwords! Make everything byte-sized.
The code:
push bx lea bx, counter mov ax, [bx] inc ax mov [bx], ax pop bx
is just inc counter
Below code leaves the inputted number in AL
, so it can use CX
to count the number of iterations for the loop.
call StrToNumber ; -> AL is the inputted number e.g. 04
mov cx, 7 ; 7 elements in the array
lea bx, array
cmp [bx], al
jnl skip ; Skip if element is not less than inputted value
inc counter ; Count elements that are less than inputted value
inc bx ; BYTE sized elements
dec cx
jnz beg
If ever you need to display some number on the screen, I have prepared a nice explanation (with code) in this Q/A Displaying numbers with DOS.