I have an excel file with multiple columns data in XYXY format Data.png. How can I use plotly express to plot multiple lines on same graph? For your reference, I achieved this using the Origin software.Result.png
Comments: (1) different lines with different colors (2) set the name of each column Y as the name of each line (3) both x and y axis have Slider Control to adjust the data range
Thank you so much for your help!
to structure dataframe for plotlyimport pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
# generte smaple data in required structure
ROWS = 20
COLS = 5
df = pd.DataFrame(
f"{c}{n+1}": a if c == "X" else np.power(a, np.linspace(3, 8, ROWS))
for n, a in enumerate(np.sort(np.random.uniform(1, 2, (COLS, ROWS))))
for c in "XY"
# generate line chart. key is restructuring dataframe to be long with a column that defines name/color
df.loc[:, [f"{c}{n}" for c in "XY"]]
.pipe(lambda d: d.rename(columns={c: c[0] for c in d.columns}))
.assign(name=chr(ord("A") + n * 2 - 1))
for n in range(1, (len(df.columns) // 2) + 1)
X1 | Y1 | X2 | Y2 | X3 | Y3 | X4 | Y4 | X5 | Y5 |
1.05655 | 1.17941 | 1.00106 | 1.00317 | 1.08131 | 1.26432 | 1.02673 | 1.08236 | 1.13674 | 1.46889 |
1.12829 | 1.48273 | 1.12435 | 1.4659 | 1.17564 | 1.69557 | 1.05341 | 1.18507 | 1.17995 | 1.71595 |
1.23403 | 2.09918 | 1.1806 | 1.79582 | 1.18304 | 1.8089 | 1.11287 | 1.45807 | 1.20479 | 1.92892 |
1.25683 | 2.37794 | 1.25303 | 2.35086 | 1.25923 | 2.39525 | 1.11929 | 1.53275 | 1.20527 | 2.02893 |
1.26899 | 2.62586 | 1.26441 | 2.58766 | 1.30377 | 2.93 | 1.12895 | 1.63484 | 1.31977 | 3.07846 |
1.28209 | 2.92254 | 1.28889 | 2.98997 | 1.34024 | 3.53909 | 1.24893 | 2.60999 | 1.33975 | 3.53352 |
1.35852 | 4.06724 | 1.37546 | 4.30467 | 1.35213 | 3.9804 | 1.27209 | 3.01014 | 1.35568 | 4.02851 |
1.40013 | 5.10234 | 1.45365 | 6.11857 | 1.36741 | 4.55027 | 1.27662 | 3.26259 | 1.35574 | 4.36531 |
1.45668 | 6.82368 | 1.48403 | 7.5034 | 1.43853 | 6.40061 | 1.37053 | 4.99873 | 1.36458 | 4.88892 |
1.53722 | 10.0571 | 1.50537 | 8.98814 | 1.58023 | 11.6633 | 1.39912 | 6.0676 | 1.38998 | 5.85774 |
1.54932 | 11.7704 | 1.5474 | 11.6885 | 1.65089 | 16.8308 | 1.4697 | 8.74519 | 1.44385 | 7.91331 |
1.55716 | 13.6067 | 1.5512 | 13.3024 | 1.70078 | 22.8881 | 1.52104 | 11.8486 | 1.46135 | 9.358 |
1.61261 | 18.9648 | 1.62567 | 19.9306 | 1.71918 | 28.1241 | 1.54101 | 14.3378 | 1.50292 | 12.29 |
1.65226 | 25.1355 | 1.70023 | 30.207 | 1.78133 | 40.7424 | 1.55464 | 17.0006 | 1.61183 | 21.4393 |
1.68557 | 32.7817 | 1.72353 | 38.0429 | 1.78985 | 48.9649 | 1.58977 | 22.1695 | 1.67353 | 31.2474 |
1.80329 | 60.1153 | 1.76449 | 51.6846 | 1.79787 | 58.8716 | 1.61254 | 27.6471 | 1.68959 | 38.2362 |
1.88719 | 97.4484 | 1.88748 | 97.5572 | 1.83715 | 80.2828 | 1.76924 | 61.1892 | 1.78649 | 65.6223 |
1.9383 | 140.635 | 1.90963 | 125.812 | 1.87891 | 111.451 | 1.77838 | 73.8938 | 1.826 | 90.0264 |
1.96985 | 189.662 | 1.92214 | 156.894 | 1.87996 | 132.145 | 1.8462 | 114.857 | 1.8351 | 109.622 |
1.99305 | 248.972 | 1.94302 | 203.147 | 1.88243 | 157.67 | 1.87284 | 151.36 | 1.95582 | 214.111 |
pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), stubnames=["X", "Y"], i="index", j="name")
.assign(name=lambda d: d["name"].apply(lambda n: chr(ord("A") + n * 2 - 1))),
).update_layout(margin={"r": 800})