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AWS Route53 ConflictingDomainExists: is there is a way to associate the same VPC with multiple private hosted zones sharing the same parent domain

is there is a way to associate the same VPC with multiple private hosted zones that are sharing the same parent domain (for example :

I've created the following two private hosted zones to share VPC Interface Endpoints between multiple account from a Centralized Account :


when I try to associate the private hosted zones with the same VPC in the centralized account (in eu-central-1 region) using terraform, I'm getting the following error message:

Error: error creating Route53 Hosted Zone: ConflictingDomainExists: The VPC vpc-******** in region eu-central-1 has already been associated with the hosted zone Z0491******** with the same domain name.

as both of them are sharing the same parent domain (

Unfortunately in this case it won't be possibile to create a parent domain with multiple subdomains.

anyone could help ?

Thanks in advance


  • actually it was my error I tried to associate the same VPC with private hosted zones before disabiling private DNS naming for the VPC interface endpoints.

    after disabilig it, everthing is working fine and I could be able to associate the VPC with the different private hosted zones