how can I display multiple cameras in one window?(OpenCv) Using this code: Capturing video from two cameras in OpenCV at once , I open multiple cameras in separate windows, but I want to show them in one. I found code for concanating images but it doesn't work with cameras. Same question was asked here previously, but no answer was given.
You can do this using numpy methods.
Option 1: np.vstack/np.hstack
Option 2: np.concatenate
Note 1: The methods will fail if you have different frames sizes because you are trying to do operation on matrices of different dimensions. That's why I resized one of the frames to fit the another.
Note 2: OpenCV also has hconcat and vconcat methods but I didn't try to use them in python.
Example Code: (using my Camera feed and a Video)
import cv2
import numpy as np
capCamera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
capVideo = cv2.VideoCapture("desk.mp4")
while True:
isNextFrameAvail1, frame1 =
isNextFrameAvail2, frame2 =
if not isNextFrameAvail1 or not isNextFrameAvail2:
frame2Resized = cv2.resize(frame2,(frame1.shape[0],frame1.shape[1]))
# ---- Option 1 ----
#numpy_vertical = np.vstack((frame1, frame2))
numpy_horizontal = np.hstack((frame1, frame2))
# ---- Option 2 ----
#numpy_vertical_concat = np.concatenate((image, grey_3_channel), axis=0)
#numpy_horizontal_concat = np.concatenate((frame1, frame2), axis=1)
cv2.imshow("Result", numpy_horizontal)
Result: (for horizontal concat)