Using notepad++
I need to replace ", "
with ,
on a line beginning exclusively with genre:
and no where else in the document, while maintaining all of the other content in the line. I will be applying the search/replace to an entire folder, so I need to be as precise as I can.
genre: "drama", "thriller", "mystery", "espionage"
genre: "drama", "sci-fi"
should look like this:
genre: "drama, thriller, mystery, espionage"
genre: "drama, sci-fi"
I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to do that without capturing an unlimited and unknown number of groups before and after each instance of ", "
, while also keeping the first word and colon: genre:
. I'm pretty sure I have to capture the entire group between the first and last "
, and then replace ", "
with just ,
within that group, but I can't figure out how to do that.
Obviously what I have here isn't going to do the trick.
find what: ^genre: "(.*)", "(.*)", "(.*)", "(.*)"
replace with: genre: "$1, $2, $3, $4"
You can use
Find: (?:\G(?!^)|^genre:\h*").*?\K",\h*"
Replace: ,<SPACE>
- end of the previous match position or genre:
, zero or more horizontal whitespaces and "
at the start of string (here, line).*?
- any zero or more chars other than line break chars, as few as possible\K
- omit the matched text",\h*"
- consume ",
, then zero or more horizontal whitespaces, and then a "
(this will be replaced with ,
+ space)See the regex demo: