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Cannot post multiple and long requst Axios

I need to send post request to Another API, which will return result about 7 seconds.

If I try to send post one by one, it's working great. But as soon as I loop it or send multiple request, it returns errors.

The errors are sometimes Error: socket hang up or status code: 504

I've tried

  • multiple then().then().th

  • async/await inside for loop

  • aync/await line by line like this

      const toonifyNewFileName = `./uploads/Toonified-toonify-${baseFileName}`
      const toonifyRes = await, formData, {headers: headers})
      var {data:{num_faces, b64_encoded_output}} = toonifyRes;
      var base64Buffer = Buffer.from(b64_encoded_output, "base64");
      writeFile(toonifyNewFileName, base64Buffer, err => console.log("DONE 1"));
      const comicNewFileName = `./uploads/Toonified-comic-${baseFileName}`
      const comicRes = await, formData, {headers: headers})
      var {data:{num_faces, b64_encoded_output: newB64}} = comicRes;
      var base64Buffer2 = Buffer.from(newB64, "base64");
      writeFile(comicNewFileName, base64Buffer2, err => console.log("DONE 2")); 

It doesn't matter with writeFile(), I've deleted, it didn't work.

My guess is that since the first request takes about 7 to 8 seconds, that's why it causes error for next request?

to sum up

I need to post multiple requests that each of them takes about 7 to 8 seconds. But it returns socket hang up error or status code: 504 GATEWAY TIME OUT

what should I do?


  • Turns out my problem was not about axios, it's about form-data.

    the first request going well, but seconds, i don't know why but I think there are problem with form-data, maybe the form data is null something

    so I figured out to initialize formdata every time I send

    here's the code

    const arr = [some arrya i need, like 4 elements];
    await Promise.all( => {
        const formData = new FormData();
        formData.append('image', createReadStream(pictureUri));
        const headers = { ... };
        const response = await, formData, {headers: headers});
        do some work...

    key is I had to generate form-data every time, even though it'll be always same...