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How to cause observables to re-emit when ngModel value changes

I'm using these observables in my HTML but they are not re-emitting each time the input values of my HTML controls change (and they depend on those values so they become out of sync). For instance when this updates ([(ngModel)]="mappedItem.selectedBusinessEntities") then selectedBusinessEntitiesOptionsAsDtos$ | async needs to re-emit. See the options of the second HTML control are the selected options of the first HTML control. Do I need to make the [(ngModel)]="mappedItem.selectedBusinessEntities" value be an observable somehow?


<cb-selection-list name="selectedBusinessEntities"
                   [options]="businessEntitiesOptions$ | async"
<cb-select label="Primary Business Entity"
           [options]="selectedBusinessEntitiesOptionsAsDtos$ | async"


    selector: 'cb-user-details',
    templateUrl: './user-details.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./user-details.component.scss']
export class UserDetailsComponent implements OnInit {

    public teamsOptions$: Observable<ITeamDto[]>;
    public userRoleTagsOptions$: Observable<ITagDto[]>;
    public userRoleTagsOptions: ITagDto[];
    public businessEntitiesOptions$: Observable<IBusinessEntityDto[]>;
    public isMobileNumberMandatory$: Observable<boolean>;
    public selectedBusinessEntitiesOptionsAsDtos$: Observable<IBusinessEntityDto[]>;

public ngOnInit(): void {
private _initSelectOptions(): void {
    this.teamsOptions$ = this.teamsLogicService.$getList();
    this.userRoleTagsOptions$ = this.tagsLogicService.$getList();
    this.businessEntitiesOptions$ = this.businessEntitiesLogicService
            map(businessEntities => {
                return orderBy(businessEntities, businessEntity => businessEntity?.name?.toLowerCase());
    this.selectedBusinessEntitiesOptionsAsDtos$ = this.businessEntitiesOptions$.pipe(
        map(businessEntities => {
            return businessEntities
                .filter(businessEntity => includes(
    this.isMobileNumberMandatory$ = this.selectedBusinessEntitiesOptionsAsDtos$.pipe(
        map(businessEntities => {
            const buildingConsultantTag = this.userRoleTagsOptions?.find(
                tag => tag.key === USER_TAG_CONSTANTS_CONST.BUILDING_CONSULTANT);

            return this.mappedItem?.selectedTags
                .some(tag => tag === buildingConsultantTag?.id);
    this.userRoleTagsOptions$.subscribe(res => this.userRoleTagsOptions = res);


Have tried breaking the ngModel up like so:

    <cb-selection-list name="selectedBusinessEntities"
                       [options]="businessEntitiesOptions$ | async"

The ts:

public selectedBusinessEntitiesChanged(entities: number[]): void {
    this.mappedItem.selectedBusinessEntities = entities;

And annoyingly, that does cause the this.selectedBusinessEntitiesOptionsAsDtos$ to run and emit the new list (checked with debugger). But the UI doesn't update. That's why I added this.cdRef.detectChanges(); but it didn't work.


  • You can use the ngModelChange event:


    It will get triggered every time there are changes in ngModel. The $event payload will hold the current value of the form field.


    Also, not sure if it will help, but you shouldn't define your observables inside of the private function, but rather where you declared them, as class members:


    businessEntitiesOptions$ = this.businessEntitiesLogicService.getList()
          map(businessEntities => {
             orderBy(businessEntities, businessEntity => businessEntity?.name?.toLowerCase());

    Instead of:

    public businessEntitiesOptions$: Observable<IBusinessEntityDto[]>;

    The same goes for all your observables...

    You should even be able to use the OnPush change detection strategy in this class.

    You can try adding tap(x => console.log(x)) in your piped observables to see if they are working as intended...


          tap(x => console.log(x)),
          map(businessEntities => {
             orderBy(businessEntities, businessEntity => businessEntity?.name?.toLowerCase()),
          tap(x => console.log(x))

    You might also want to remove the returns... Unless you are catching errors or something, you don't want to return anything. Observables are just streams.