I tried myself at making the Pong project using the turtle package on Python.
I know how to make the code work (using 4 different functions taking no arguments, for each paddle and directions), but my question is if and how can I do it with this idea.
Here's the code I'm attempting to make work :
def move_paddle_up(paddle):
y = paddle.ycor()
y += 20
def move_paddle_down(paddle):
y = paddle.ycor()
y -= 20
#Keyboard binding movement
screen.onkeypress(move_paddle_up(left_pad), "w")
screen.onkeypress(move_paddle_down(left_pad), "s")
screen.onkeypress(move_paddle_up(right_pad), "Up")
screen.onkeypress(move_paddle_down(right_pad), "Down")
When the screen is launched, the paddles won't move if I press the associated keys.
With the way of using the 4 different functions, it works.
It's just that I am curious to know how I should call or define the arguments in such a function.
I see then that is it quite more work than just creating 4 functions.
I think you got the wrong take home message. @BehdadAbdollahiMoghadam's use of functools.partial()
is spot on, but we can fit it into your existing code with less overhead:
from functools import partial
# ...
def move_paddle_up(paddle):
paddle.sety(paddle.ycor() + 20)
def move_paddle_down(paddle):
paddle.sety(paddle.ycor() - 20)
# Keyboard binding movement
screen.onkeypress(partial(move_paddle_up, left_pad), "w")
screen.onkeypress(partial(move_paddle_down, left_pad), "s")
screen.onkeypress(partial(move_paddle_up, right_pad), "Up")
screen.onkeypress(partial(move_paddle_down, right_pad), "Down")
# ...