I know this error has already been issued in stackoverflow, but the solution for the other questions doesn't seem to apply to my problem. I have a very simple model that predicts energy expenditure based on the number of days.
a<-lmer(energy ~ days + (1|PCBType), data = stp_summary_v1 )
and the model gives the warning:
boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular
I cannot share the data, but here is the distribution:
What I've already tried without success:
a<-lmer(log(energy) ~ days + (1|PCBType), data = stp_summary_v1)
a<-lmer(scale(energy) ~ days + (1|PCBType), data = stp_summary_v1)
a<-lmer(log(energy) ~ log(days) + (1|PCBType), data = stp_summary_v1)
familyAny idea why I keep getting this warning?
With only two levels of PCBType
, this variable should be a fixed effect.
By specifying it as random you are asking the software to estimate a variance for a normally distributed variable from only 2 observations, which of course does not make any sense and is almost certainly the cause of the singular fit.