In pyspark, I have a DataFrame with a column that contains a list of ordered nodes to go through:
| id | nodes | tags |
| 62960871 | [783186590,783198852] | "{""foo"":""bar""}" |
| 211528816 | [2215187080,2215187140,2215187205,2215187256] | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 62960872 | [783198772,783183397,783167527,783169067,783198772] | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
I need to create a dataframe with a row for each consecutive combination of 2 nodes the list of nodes, then save it as parquet.
The expected result will have a length of n-1, with n len(nodes)
for each rows. It would look like this (with other columns that I'll add):
| id | from | to | tags |
| 783186590_783198852 | 783186590 | 783198852 | "{""foo"":""bar""}" |
| 2215187080_2215187140 | 2215187080 | 2215187140 | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 2215187140_2215187205 | 2215187140 | 2215187205 | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 2215187205_2215187256 | 2215187205 | 2215187256 | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 783198772_783183397 | 783198772 | 783183397 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
| 783183397_783167527 | 783183397 | 783167527 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
| 783167527_783169067 | 783167527 | 783169067 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
| 783169067_783198772 | 783169067 | 783198772 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
I tried to initiate with the following
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
def split_ways_into_arcs(row):
arcs = []
for node in range(len(row['nodes']) - 1):
arc = dict()
arc['id'] = str(row['nodes'][node]) + "_" + str(row['nodes'][node + 1])
arc['from'] = row['nodes'][node]
arc['to'] = row['nodes'][node + 1]
arc['tags'] = row['tags']
return arcs
# Declare function as udf
split = udf(lambda row: split_ways_into_arcs(row.asDict()))
The issue I'm having is I don't know how many nodes there are in each row of the original DataFrame.
I know how to apply a udf
to add a column to an existing DataFrame, but not to create a new one from lists of dicts.
Iterate over the nodes
array using transform and explode
the array afterwards:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = ...
df.withColumn("nodes", F.expr("transform(nodes, (n,i) -> named_struct('from', nodes[i], 'to', nodes[i+1]))")) \
.withColumn("nodes", F.explode("nodes")) \
.filter("not is null") \
.selectExpr("concat_ws('_',, nodes.from) as id", "nodes.*", "tags") \
|id |from |to |tags |
|783198852_783186590 |783186590 |783198852 |{""foo"":""bar""}|
|783183397_783198772 |783198772 |783183397 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
|783167527_783183397 |783183397 |783167527 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
|783169067_783167527 |783167527 |783169067 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
|783198772_783169067 |783169067 |783198772 |{""foo"":""buh""}|