I'm having a lot of troubles to create instance and start them using Python Google Cloud's api.
Basically I first created all the VMs and setted up the services. Then once everything was working, I stopped the VMs and created Image
so I can easily create instance using the images.
[EDIT] I think it's nice to add that :
Here is my Python script:
import googleapiclient.discovery
import argparse
import os
import time
backend_script = """
#! /bin/bash
cd /mse-tsm-cloudsys-lab1/api/
sudo npm install
sudo npx knex migrate:latest
sudo npx knex seed:run
sudo npm run start
frontend_script = """
#! /bin/bash
cd /mse-tsm-cloudsys-lab1/app/
sudo npm install
sudo npm run build
sudo npm run start
def create_instance(compute, project, zone, name, image, machine, ip, ip_public, tags=[], metadata=[]):
config = {
'name': name,
'machineType': "zones/%s/machineTypes/%s" % (zone, machine),
'disks': [
'initializeParams': {
"sourceImage": image
"boot": True
'tags': {
"items": tags
"networkInterfaces": [
'network': 'global/networks/default',
'networkIP': ip,
'accessConfigs': [
'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
'name': 'External NAT',
'natIP': ip_public
"metadata": {
"items": metadata
return compute.instances().insert(
def delete_instance(compute, project, zone, name):
return compute.instances().delete(
def list_instances(compute, project, zone):
result = compute.instances().list(project=project, zone=zone).execute()
return result['items'] if 'items' in result else None
def wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation):
print('Waiting for operation to finish...')
while True:
result = compute.zoneOperations().get(
if result['status'] == 'DONE':
if 'error' in result:
raise Exception(result['error'])
return result
def main(mode, project, zone, wait=True):
compute = googleapiclient.discovery.build('compute', 'v1')
if(mode == 'list'):
instances = list_instances(compute, project, zone)
print('Instances in project %s and zone %s:' % (project, zone))
for instance in instances:
print(' - ' + instance['name'])
print("Creating Database")
instance_name = "postgres-lab1"
image = "projects/tsm-cloudsys-vial/global/images/image-postgres-lab1"
machine = "e2-micro"
ip = ""
ip_public = ""
tags = ["postgres-lab1"]
operation1 = create_instance(compute, project, zone, instance_name, image, machine, ip, ip_public)
print("Creating Backend")
instance_name = "backend-lab1"
image = "projects/tsm-cloudsys-vial/global/images/image-backend-lab1"
machine = "e2-micro"
ip = ""
ip_public = ""
metadata = [{
"key": "startup-script",
"value": backend_script
tags = ["backend-lab1","http-server","https-server"]
operation2 = create_instance(compute, project, zone, instance_name, image, machine, ip, ip_public, metadata=metadata)
print("Creating Frontend")
instance_name = "frontend-lab1"
image = "projects/tsm-cloudsys-vial/global/images/image-frontend-lab1"
machine = "e2-micro"
ip = ""
ip_public = ""
metadata = [{
"key": "startup-script",
"value": frontend_script
tags = ["frontend-lab1","http-server","https-server"]
operation3 = create_instance(compute, project, zone, instance_name, image, machine, ip, ip_public, tags, metadata=metadata)
print("Waiting for VMs to come online")
wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation1['name'])
wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation2['name'])
wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation3['name'])
instances = list_instances(compute, project, zone)
print('Instances in project %s and zone %s:' % (project, zone))
for instance in instances:
print(' - ' + instance['name'])
if wait:
print("Deleting DB")
operation1 = delete_instance(compute, project, zone, "postgres-lab1")
print("Deleting Backend")
operation2 = delete_instance(compute, project, zone, "backend-lab1")
print("Deleting Frontend")
operation3 = delete_instance(compute, project, zone, "frontend-lab1")
wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation1['name'])
wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation2['name'])
wait_for_operation(compute, project, zone, operation3['name'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('--mode', help='Wanted mode', default='list')
parser.add_argument('project_id', help='Your Google Cloud project ID.')
help='Compute Engine zone to deploy to.')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.mode, args.project_id, args.zone)
The 3 instances are created and running, I can ping all of them. (yes one is shutted down because I'm trying to reboot it)
But I have two main issues :
aren't corrects because even if the 3 instances are running, I can't access them like I could before when I created them manually. For example frontend-lab1
should be responding on port 3000 but it isn't when I create it using my scriptMy main concern is the issue number 2 because I think it'll fix the issue number 1. Can someone help me with my startup-script
[EDIT2] Here is the log:
ct 6 19:24:23 frontend-lab1 systemd[1]: Starting Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts...
Oct 6 19:24:23 frontend-lab1 google_metadata_script_runner[795]: 2021/10/06 19:24:23 logging client: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = transport: metadata: GCE metadata "instance/service-accounts/default/token?scopes=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Flogging.write" not defined
Oct 6 19:24:37 frontend-lab1 systemd[1]: systemd-fsckd.service: Succeeded.
Oct 6 19:24:51 frontend-lab1 systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Succeeded.
Oct 6 19:25:21 frontend-lab1 GCEGuestAgent[539]: 2021-10-06T19:25:21.4654Z GCEGuestAgent Info: Removing user jeromevialhes.
Oct 6 19:25:22 frontend-lab1 google_guest_agent[539]: 2021/10/06 19:25:22 logging client: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = transport: metadata: GCE metadata "instance/service-accounts/default/token?scopes=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Flogging.write" not defined
Oct 6 19:25:22 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:22 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: /tmp/metadata-scripts111777770/startup-script: line 3: cd: /mse-tsm-cloudsys-lab1/app/: No such file or directory
Oct 6 19:25:23 frontend-lab1 google_metadata_script_runner[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:23 logging client: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = transport: metadata: GCE metadata "instance/service-accounts/default/token?scopes=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Flogging.write" not defined
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm WARN !invalid#2 No description
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm WARN !invalid#2 No repository field.
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm WARN !invalid#2 No README data
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm WARN !invalid#2 No license field.
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script:
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: up to date in 0.489s
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: found 0 vulnerabilities
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script:
Oct 6 19:25:27 frontend-lab1 google_metadata_script_runner[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:27 logging client: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = transport: metadata: GCE metadata "instance/service-accounts/default/token?scopes=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Flogging.write" not defined
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! code ENOENT
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! syscall open
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! path /package.json
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! errno -2
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! enoent
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script:
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
Oct 6 19:25:28 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:28 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2021-10-06T19_25_28_453Z-debug.log
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! code ENOENT
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! syscall open
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! path /package.json
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! errno -2
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! enoent
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script:
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2021-10-06T19_25_29_171Z-debug.log
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script exit status 254
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:29 GCEMetadataScripts: Finished running startup scripts.
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 systemd[1]: google-startup-scripts.service: Succeeded.
Oct 6 19:25:29 frontend-lab1 systemd[1]: Finished Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts.
But you can see that the repository exists :
jeromevialhes@frontend-lab1:~$ ls
Looking at the logs you included in the question, it looks like there could be a problem with your custom image. In line 7 of the log file, it warns that the directory “/mse-tsm-cloudsys-labl1/app/” is not found:
Oct 6 19:25:22 frontend-lab1 GCEMetadataScripts[795]: 2021/10/06 19:25:22 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script: /tmp/metadata-scripts111777770/startup-script: line 3: cd: /mse-tsm-cloudsys-lab1/app/: No such file or directory
If this directory was used to contain your application files, it would be the cause of the subsequent errors related to NPM not being able to find files such as package.json
and other files that belong to your application.
You should confirm whether the application path is correct or if the image was created correctly. You can follow this guide about creating custom images from your existing VM instances, and use the Node.js and Python guides to make sure you are following the correct steps.