SOLVED. Apparently I somehow deactivated my Conda environment. Typing Conda: Activate Environment into the Sublime console fixed it.
I'm using Anaconda3 to run scripts developed at my workplace. I had set up SublimeText to view/edit the scripts and to run them using the build command. Until today, I had been able to run scripts normally.
Today, however, some of the commands are not enclosed with white boxes and I get an error command which trying to build the script.Here's a screenshot showing the markings and error message
I first restarted my computer to no avail. I then uninstalled and re-installed packages for Conda and Anaconda but that also failed to fix it. Googling "sublime conda not building" gave me results which concerned error messages while building a script and not being unable to build entirely. I also can't find a match to my specific error message.
Any insight? If it's not obvious, I am a novice to python & sublime. Thanks.
EDIT: The white boxes are now gone. More importantly, apparently they're related to linting and are (likely) not related to the script not building which is the primary concern.
EDIT2: URLS for plugins Conda and Anaconda
I wasn't able to find conda.sublime-build, but I found conda.sublime-settings which I think is the same thing. If not, please let me know where to look. (this was under user packages). These settings are pasted below.
// Default Windows settings for sublime-text-conda:
// executable is the path to anaconda's python
// this python executable is used in order to find conda
"executable": "C:\\Users\\26036\\Anaconda3\\python.exe",
// Directory in which the conda envs are stored
// Default location is the user's home directory
"environment_directory": "C:\\Users\\26036\\Anaconda3\\envs\\",
// System architecture for Python installation
// options: 32 or 64 bit
"architecture": "64",
// configuration is the path to conda's configuration file
"configuration": "~\\.condarc",
// when true, the scripts will be run through the shell
// If your code has a GUI (e.g. a matplotlib plot),
// this needs to be true, otherwise Windows suppresses it.
"run_through_shell": false,
// when true, the script execution will be handed over to
// the pythonw executable, instead of python
"use_pythonw": false,
// open repl in second row tab below current file,
// closing any existing tabs in that area
// assumes files are kept in group 0 (typical)
"repl_open_row": false,
// when opening a repl using repl_open_row, close any
// existing conda repls in the second row first
"repl_row_close_existing": false,
// save the current file (if dirty) when opening repl
"repl_save_dirty": true,
// syntax highlighting for Open REPL command
// choice between 'python' and 'plaintext'
"repl_syntax": "python"
EDIT3: I have both Conda and Anaconda3 packages installed. When it was working, I selected Conda as my build system. I'm sorta sure the environment was activated because I was able to run the script beforehand but perhaps the environment got deactivated?
Turns out my Conda environment was somehow made inactive. Typing "Conda: Activate Environment" in the Sublime Console fixed it. Thanks MattDMo for suggesting I check it.