I took from a previous post a way to capture seconds into HH:MM:SS format to render a properly formatted column into a table visual
Output looks like this: 22:00:01
And I need this back to int (seconds)
I need to reverse engineer this back to int
How can I do this
basically, you'd split the string on space to get the "days" part, split again on colon to get the H/M/S part. From there on it's just some simple math. Ex:
def tdstring_to_integerseconds(tdstr: str) -> int:
parts = tdstr.strip(' ').split(' ') # clean surrounding spaces and split
d = 0 # day default to zero...
if len(parts) > 1: # if more than one part, we have days specified
d = int(parts[0])
s = sum(x*y for x, y in zip(map(int, parts[-1].split(':')), (3600, 60, 1)))
return 86400*d + s
giving you for example
from datetime import timedelta
for td in timedelta(1), timedelta(-1), timedelta(0.5), timedelta(-1.5):
print(str(td), '->', tdstring_to_integerseconds(str(td)))
# 1 day, 0:00:00 -> 86400
# -1 day, 0:00:00 -> -86400
# 12:00:00 -> 43200
# -2 days, 12:00:00 -> -129600