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Which RabbitAdmin is selected by default if "setAdminsThatShouldDeclare" is not called?

I want to declare Queue and Exchange, which RabbitAdmin instance is being selected if I do not call the setAdminsThatShouldDeclare on Queue or Exchange:

public Queue queue() {
    Queue queue = new Queue("foo");
    // queue.setAdminsThatShouldDeclare(admin1()); 
    return queue;

public Exchange exchange() {
    DirectExchange exchange = new DirectExchange("bar");
    // exchange.setAdminsThatShouldDeclare(admin2());
    return exchange;

There are multiple RabbitMQ connections in the application (multiple RabbitAdmin instances)


  • All of them are going to declare this entity by default.

    The logic in the RabbitAdmin is like this:

    private <T extends Declarable> boolean declarableByMe(T dec) {
        return (dec.getDeclaringAdmins().isEmpty() && !this.explicitDeclarationsOnly) 
                || dec.getDeclaringAdmins().contains(this)
                || (this.beanName != null && dec.getDeclaringAdmins().contains(this.beanName));

    See also that property description:

     * Set to true to only declare {@link Declarable} beans that are explicitly configured
     * to be declared by this admin.
     * @param explicitDeclarationsOnly true to ignore beans with no admin declaration
     * configuration.
     * @since 2.1.9
    public void setExplicitDeclarationsOnly(boolean explicitDeclarationsOnly) {

    Here is a doc on the matter: