I am creating a fairly complex macro and can't use the overloading syntax to create my macros. I am trying to conditionally check if a prop has been defined within an optional capture group or not:
macro_rules! foo {
(name: $name: ident$(, media: $media: tt)?) => {
pub struct $name;
impl $name {
// how do i use media here and also provide default
// const MEDIA: &str = IF_DEFINED $media { $media } ELSE { "DEFAULT" };
foo! {
name: Hey,
media: "hey"
foo! {
name: Hey2
Within the constraints you mentioned, you can achieve conditional checking by the following workaround:
macro_rules! foo {
(name: $name: ident$(, media: $media: tt)?) => {
pub struct $name;
impl $name {
const MEDIA: &'static str = [$($media ,)? "DEFAULT"][0];
foo! {
name: Hey,
media: "hey"
foo! {
name: Hey2
fn main() {
println!("{}", Hey::MEDIA);
println!("{}", Hey2::MEDIA);