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Camunda - where is your API?

I installed a camunda from the tutorial and got it up and running

  1. at localhost (http://localhost:8080/app/cockpit/default/#/dashboard)
  2. on our PCF (https://our-private-pcf/app/cockpit/default/#/dashboard)

Then a made a BPMN model via Camunda modeler.

Question 1: Do i choose BPMN Diagram for "Camunda Platform" or for "Camunda Cloud"?

Question 2: Which value do I have to enter for "REST Endpoint" (Platform) or "Contact Point" (Cloud Self Managed) or "Cluster URL" (Cloud SaaS)?

I tried a lot of combinations of a) localhost oder Cloud URL and b) context root "/engine-rest/" or "/API/" or "/APP/" and so on but none of them works.

Thanks for your thoughts, Regards


  • The camunda cockpit uses its own internal REST api. If you additionally want to expose the external api, you must include the rest-starter dependency:


    Then the endpoints mentioned in the docs will match.