I installed a camunda from the tutorial https://github.com/berndruecker/camunda-on-pcf and got it up and running
Then a made a BPMN model via Camunda modeler.
Question 1: Do i choose BPMN Diagram for "Camunda Platform" or for "Camunda Cloud"?
Question 2: Which value do I have to enter for "REST Endpoint" (Platform) or "Contact Point" (Cloud Self Managed) or "Cluster URL" (Cloud SaaS)?
I tried a lot of combinations of a) localhost oder Cloud URL and b) context root "/engine-rest/" or "/API/" or "/APP/" and so on but none of them works.
Thanks for your thoughts, Regards
The camunda cockpit uses its own internal REST api. If you additionally want to expose the external api, you must include the rest-starter dependency:
Then the endpoints mentioned in the docs will match.