I'm creating a google form one can fill out to auto-generate a Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice as a PDF. The notice requires the original image in question to be included, so the form includes an upload file question. I want the generated PDF to include the actual image that was uploaded in the form, but right now all I get is the google drive link to the file's location.
How can I get the actual image to appear in the PDF? I'm attaching a screenshot of the Google Form, email output, and PDF template (marked with where the image should go) for reference.
Here's the script I have on the Google Sheet that's populated by the Google Form submissions:
function onSubmit(e) {
const rg = e.range;
const sh = rg.getSheet();
//Get all the form submitted data
//Note: This data is dependent on the headers. If headers, are changed update these as well.
const Email= e.namedValues['Email Address'][0];
const LinkOrig = e.namedValues['Link(s) for where the original work appears'][0];
const AttachOrig = e.namedValues['Copies of the original copyrighted work'][0];
const Domain = e.namedValues['Infringing Domain'][0];
const LinkInfring = e.namedValues['Link(s) for where infringing image appears online'][0];
const Contact = e.namedValues['Contact Information'][0];
const WHOIS = e.namedValues['WHOIS Search results'][0];
const Date = e.namedValues['Date'][0];
const Location = e.namedValues['Where are you based?'][0];
//Build a new DMCA Form from the template
//Folder ID (save destination) and file IDs (template ID + new doc ID)
const DMCAFolderID = 'folderidhere';
const DMCALibFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(DMCAFolderID);
const TemplateFileID = 'templateidhere';
const newFilename = 'DMCA Notice -' + TemplateFileID + 'Domain';
//Make a copy of the template file
const newTemplateFileID = DriveApp.getFileById(TemplateFileID).makeCopy(newFilename, DMCALibFolder).getId();;
//Get the DMCA Notice body into a variable
var document = DocumentApp.openById(newTemplateFileID);
var body = document.getBody();
//Replace all the {{ }} text in the template body
body.replaceText('{{LinkOrig}}', LinkOrig);
body.replaceText('{{AttachOrig}}', AttachOrig);
body.replaceText('{{LinkInfring}}', LinkInfring);
body.replaceText('{{ContactInfo}}', Contact);
body.replaceText('{{WHOISResults}}', WHOIS);
body.replaceText('{{date}}', Date);
body.replaceText('{{location}}', Location);
// define email variables
var subject = 'DMCA Notice - ' + Domain;
var msgHtml =
"Hi," + "<br/>" + "<br/>" +
"Please find your DMCA Notice attached." + "<br/>" + "<br/>" +
"Sincerely," + "<br/>" +
"Your Bada** Self" + "<br/>"
var attachment = DriveApp.getFileById(newTemplateFileID);
//send email with the file
GmailApp.sendEmail(Email, subject, msgHtml, {htmlBody: msgHtml, attachments: [attachment.getAs(MimeType.PDF)]});
is your placeholder and AttachOrig
the URL of the fileYou need to:
var AttachOrig = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f8EFG6G5zNd6by_fNEecSh2D1My_p-_p/view";
function replacePlaceHolderThroughImage() {
var document = DocumentApp.openById(newTemplateFileID);
var body = document.getBody();
var placeholder = "{{AttachOrig}}";
var id = AttachOrig.match(/[\w\_\-]{25,}/)[0];
var img = DriveApp.getFileById(id);
var position = body.findText(placeholder);
var element = position.getElement();
element.getParent().asParagraph().insertInlineImage(0, img.getBlob());