I want to monitor our SFTP to send email to us if a file is added. For now I tried to make a condition with if
with a batch script, but the batch environment does not accept my condition.
I am new with batch and automation, so what I tried to do is synchronise the SFTP file with a local file in first place and run a batch schedule to try to synchronise again; if it does then it is going to send na email (I did not make the script for the email at the moment and to be honest I do not know how to do so for now), if it did not synchronise then exit script.
Here is my script:
option batch on
option confirm off
open sftp://[email protected]/ -privatekey=privateKey.ppk -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 x"
option transfer binary
if synchronize local "C:\Users\Administrateur\Desktop\x\x" "/x/x/rx" (
ECHO nouveau fichier ajouter au repertoir
else (ECHO aucun nouveau fichier exit
Here is the error:
Commande inconnue 'if'.
Add -preview
switch to your synchronize
command to make it only check for changes, instead of actually synchronizing the files.
Add option failonnomatch on
to your script to make the synchronize
command report no differences as an error.
option failonnomatch on
synchronize -preview local "C:\Users\Administrateur\Desktop\x\x" "/x/x/rx"
In the actual batch file, check WinSCP exit code to determine, if there are any differences or not. Something like this:
winscp.com /script=script.txt /log=script.log
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Nothing to synchronize or other problem
) else (
echo There are files to synchronize
If you want to send an email, see WinSCP guide for Emailing script results.