My handler named taskToFireOff has allUsers
deleted, the Cloud Tasks Enqueuer
principal's name is set to the ServiceAccountEmail
, and its role is set to Invoker
(not shown)
When a post is created, I use .onCreate
to create a task. The task is created but the function that the http request is connected to never fires. I looked here and see that there are 2 tasks (I tried twice) just sitting there.
When I go to the Cloud Task page in the console > click the task > Tasks > Method / URL
, it says
But when I go to the task > Logs > View > Suggested > Query Details it says
New error group seen in onCreateData: Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: Any resource that needs App Engine can only be created/updated in the App Engine region. Location must equal us-east1 because the App
It's an odd error because the above url begins with us-east1 and in my index.js file I set the location using us-east1
exports.onCreateData = functions.database.ref('/posts/{postId}').onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
const payload = {"postId": context.params.postId};
const project = JSON.parse(process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG!).projectId;
const location = 'us-east1';
const queue = 'ttl-task';
const serviceAccountEmail = '';
const queuePath = tasksClient.queuePath(project, location, queue);
const url = `https://${location}-${project}`
const task = {
httpRequest: {
httpMethod: 'POST',
oidcToken: {
body: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString('base64'), // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payloadData));
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
scheduleTime: {
seconds: // ...
const [response] = await tasksClient.createTask({ parent: queuePath, task });
// ...
exports.taskToFireOff = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
// ...
Also while inside the console, when I click the Task itself and look at the payload, all the correct information is there.
When I created my RealTimeDatabase I was given us-central1
But when I created my Storage bucket, I selected us-east1
. At the bottom of Firestore Database it says
When I enter $ gcloud app describe
it says that the locationId is us-east1
Could the problem be that the Cloud Task is in us-east1
but the Cloud Functions are in us-central1
Running $ gcloud functions list
lists all of my Cloud Functions in the us-central1
Btw, I created another project just to see the selection that I'm given when creating a Storage bucket. For Storage, there isn't a way to select us-central1. There is a default Multi-region nam5(us-central
) but there isn't a specific region for us-central1
. I selected us-east1
because I'm in NY.
The problem was that the App Engine was in us-east1
but the function handler taskToFireOff was in us-central1
. The error was saying that the function associated with App Engine/Cloud Task needs to be in the same region together. In short I needed to change that particular cloud function’s region.
To fix the issue I had to create a new handler which was pretty easy. I followed this answer which led me to this link specifically the Change a function's region or regions section.
1st- in terminal I ran:
$ gcloud app describe
// use whatever appears for the locationId which for me was us-east1
2nd- I added this new function to the index.js file:
// whatever appeared for the locationId I put inside the region param
exports.newTaskToFireOff = functions.region('us-east1').https.onRequest((request, response) => {
// ... in here I c+p all of the code from my initial taskToFireOff function
3rd- I ran this in terminal to update gcloud with the new function
$ firebase deploy --only functions:newTaskToFireOff
4th- I ran this in terminal to delete the old function from gcloud:
$ firebase functions: delete taskToFireOff
5th- I went into my index.js file and manually deleted the entire taskToFireOff. You won't need the old function, just the code from inside of it
// I deleted this old function
exports.taskToFireOff = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
// ... I took this code and c+p inside the newTaskToFireOff before I deleted this function
When I go to the console's Cloud Functions page the old taskToFireOff is no longer there and the newTaskToFireOff is there with the region us-east1
After you finish these steps don’t forget that the new function from step 2 you have to go to the Cloud console (use the above link) and change its Permissions
. Set the role to Invoker
and set its principal role name to use whatever you set for the Cloud Task's ServiceAccountEmail
otherwise it still won’t work. You should delete allUsers