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Cloud Task function not firing -Any resource that needs App Engine can only be created/updated in the App Engine region

My handler named taskToFireOff has allUsers deleted, the Cloud Tasks Enqueuer principal's name is set to the ServiceAccountEmail, and its role is set to Invoker (not shown)

enter image description here

When a post is created, I use .onCreate to create a task. The task is created but the function that the http request is connected to never fires. I looked here and see that there are 2 tasks (I tried twice) just sitting there.

When I go to the Cloud Task page in the console > click the task > Tasks > Method / URL, it says


But when I go to the task > Logs > View > Suggested > Query Details it says

New error group seen in onCreateData: Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: Any resource that needs App Engine can only be created/updated in the App Engine region. Location must equal us-east1 because the App

It's an odd error because the above url begins with us-east1 and in my index.js file I set the location using us-east1

exports.onCreateData = functions.database.ref('/posts/{postId}').onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {

    const payload = {"postId": context.params.postId};

    const project = JSON.parse(process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG!).projectId;
    const location = 'us-east1';
    const queue = 'ttl-task';
    const serviceAccountEmail = '';

    const queuePath = tasksClient.queuePath(project, location, queue);

    const url = `https://${location}-${project}`

    const task = {
        httpRequest: {
            httpMethod: 'POST',
            oidcToken: {
            body: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString('base64'), // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payloadData));
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        scheduleTime: {
            seconds: // ...

    const [response] = await tasksClient.createTask({ parent: queuePath, task });

    // ...

exports.taskToFireOff = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
    // ...

Also while inside the console, when I click the Task itself and look at the payload, all the correct information is there.

When I created my RealTimeDatabase I was given us-central1

enter image description here

But when I created my Storage bucket, I selected us-east1. At the bottom of Firestore Database it says

enter image description here.

When I enter $ gcloud app describe it says that the locationId is us-east1

enter image description here

Could the problem be that the Cloud Task is in us-east1 but the Cloud Functions are in us-central1?

Running $ gcloud functions list lists all of my Cloud Functions in the us-central1 region

enter image description here

Btw, I created another project just to see the selection that I'm given when creating a Storage bucket. For Storage, there isn't a way to select us-central1. There is a default Multi-region nam5(us-central) but there isn't a specific region for us-central1. I selected us-east1 because I'm in NY.


  • The problem was that the App Engine was in us-east1 but the function handler taskToFireOff was in us-central1. The error was saying that the function associated with App Engine/Cloud Task needs to be in the same region together. In short I needed to change that particular cloud function’s region.

    To fix the issue I had to create a new handler which was pretty easy. I followed this answer which led me to this link specifically the Change a function's region or regions section.

    1st- in terminal I ran:

    $ gcloud app describe 
    // use whatever appears for the locationId which for me was us-east1

    2nd- I added this new function to the index.js file:

    // whatever appeared for the locationId I put inside the region param
    exports.newTaskToFireOff = functions.region('us-east1').https.onRequest((request, response) => {
        // ... in here I c+p all of the code from my initial taskToFireOff function

    3rd- I ran this in terminal to update gcloud with the new function

    $ firebase deploy --only functions:newTaskToFireOff

    4th- I ran this in terminal to delete the old function from gcloud:

    $ firebase functions: delete taskToFireOff

    5th- I went into my index.js file and manually deleted the entire taskToFireOff. You won't need the old function, just the code from inside of it

    // I deleted this old function
    exports.taskToFireOff = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
        // ... I took this code and c+p inside the newTaskToFireOff before I deleted this function


    When I go to the console's Cloud Functions page the old taskToFireOff is no longer there and the newTaskToFireOff is there with the region us-east1

    After you finish these steps don’t forget that the new function from step 2 you have to go to the Cloud console (use the above link) and change its Permissions. Set the role to Invoker and set its principal role name to use whatever you set for the Cloud Task's ServiceAccountEmail otherwise it still won’t work. You should delete allUsers too.