My API endpoint returns json as key-value pair result. How can I map this collection to the object ICar inside .pipe method. I need observable, because I want to cache result.
Example json result:
{"1":"Ford", "2":"Toyota"}
My example code:
export interface ICar {
key: string;
carName: string;
getCars():Observable<ICar[]> {
return this.httpClient.get("")
map(???), <--------------dont't know how to map it here
you have multiple options:
map(response => {
const result = [];
for(const key in response) {
result.push({key, carName: response[key]});
return result;
map(response => Object.key(response).map(key => ({key, carName: response[key] }))});
map(response => Object.entries(response).map(([key, value])=> ({key, carName: value }))});
In the docs it states that there's a difference between for ... in an Object.entries(), but since you use it on plain objects it won't matter.