I will detail the most relevant data in my code, what I intend is to find an efficient way to do checks that exclude a widget in this case it will be self._btn_1
and self._btn_2
This function is linked to the entire application and is responsible for moving the windows. And this is where the verification should go, as you can see in the final part, that's how it occurred to me to do the validation so that when dragging the mouse the window does not move. Thanks.
def on_move2(self, event):
deltax = event.x - self._x
deltay = event.y - self._y
win = event.widget.winfo_toplevel()
new_position = "+{}+{}".format(win.winfo_x() + deltax, win.winfo_y() + deltay)
#print('print:', event.widget.winfo_parent())
if event.widget.winfo_parent() == '.!a1.!toplevel.!frame.!frame.!label':
print('You found me but you have 0')
From here the complete script begins.
from tkinter import *
class Move():
def __init__(self):
self._x = 0
self._y = 0
def start_move2(self, event):
self._x = event.x
self._y = event.y
def stop_move2(self, event):
self._x = None
self._y = None
def on_move2(self, event):
deltax = event.x - self._x
deltay = event.y - self._y
win = event.widget.winfo_toplevel()
new_position = "+{}+{}".format(win.winfo_x() + deltax, win.winfo_y() + deltay)
#print('print:', event.widget.winfo_parent())
if event.widget.winfo_parent() == '.!a1.!toplevel.!frame.!frame.!label':
print('You found me but you have 0')
class A1 (Frame, Move):
def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, **kwargs)
self.master = master
self.btn = Button(self, text='opens', command=self.open)
self.btn .pack()
self.bind_all("<ButtonPress-1>", self.start_move2)
self.bind_all("<B1-Motion>", self.on_move2)
self.bind_all("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.stop_move2)
def open(self):
self.w1 = Toplevel(self)
self.w1 .overrideredirect(1)
self.w1 .wm_attributes ('-topmost', True)
self.w2 = Toplevel(self)
self.w2 .overrideredirect(1)
self.w2. wm_attributes ('-topmost', True)
self.w1 .geometry('300x150')
self.w2 .geometry('300x150')
self.frame_1 = Frame(self.w1, bg='green')
self.label_1 = Label(self.frame_1, text='___windows 1___', bg='green2', width=50)
self.btn_1 = Button(self.label_1, text='AAAAAAA')
self._frame_1 = Frame(self.frame_1, bg='green')
self._label_1 = Label(self._frame_1, text='windows 1', bg='green2', width=50)
self._btn_1 = Button(self._label_1, text='button 2 - A') #
self._bbn_11 = Button(self._label_1, text='button 3 - A')
self.frame_2 = Frame(self.w2, bg='green')
self.label_2 = Label(self.frame_2, text='___windows 2___', bg='green2', width=50)
self.btn_2 = Button(self.label_2, text='BBBBBBB')
self._frame_2 = Frame(self.frame_2, bg='green')
self._label_2 = Label(self._frame_2, text='windows 1', bg='green2', width=50)
self._btn_2 = Button(self._label_2, text='button 2 - B')
self._bbn_22 = Button(self._label_2, text='button 3 - B')
self.frame_1 .pack()
self.label_1 .pack()
self.btn_1 .pack()
self._frame_1 .pack()
self._label_1 .pack()
self._btn_1 .pack()
self._bbn_11 .pack()
self.frame_2 .pack()
self.label_2 .pack()
self.btn_2 .pack()
self._frame_2 .pack()
self._label_2 .pack()
self._btn_2 .pack()
self._bbn_22 .pack()
root = Tk()
app = A1(root, bg='black')
app .pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
root .mainloop()
If you want to exclude a specific widget, arguably the simplest solution is to add that widget to a list, and then compare event.widget
to that list.
Start by extending the Move
class to have a list of unmovable widgets, a method for adding widgets to the list, and a method to determine if a widget is movable.
class Move():
def __init__(self):
self._unmovable = []
def make_unmovable(self, *widgets):
def _is_movable(self, widget):
return widget not in self._unmovable
Then, you can add widgets to the unmovable list when you create them, and check to see if they are in the list when handling the events.
def on_move2(self, event):
if not self._is_movable(event.widget):
You need to make sure Move.__init__
is called in A1:
class A1 (Frame, Move):
def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, **kwargs)
and finally, add widgets you don't want to be movable to the list:
class A1 (Frame, Move):
def open(self):
self._btn_1 = Button(self._label_1, text='button 2 - A') #
self._btn_2 = Button(self._label_2, text='button 2 - B')
self.make_unmovable(self._btn_1, self._btn_2)