This is slightly different from simple implication, as shown in this toy example.
Inductive R : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| Base1: R 0 1
| Base2: R 0 2
| Ind: forall n m,
R n m -> R (n+1) (m+1).
Given this definition, we have three provable statements: R 2 3
, R 3 5
, and (R 2 3) -> (R 3 5)
. What I'm looking for is some way to formulate the following: "there does not exist a derivation path (i.e. a sequence of inductive constructor applications) that starts at R 2 3
and ends at R 3 5
Is there a way to do this in Coq?
Here is a suggestion for how you can define a derivation path. I don't know that this is the best way, but it's what I came up with.
Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive evidence :=
| B1 : evidence
| B2 : evidence
| Step : nat -> nat -> evidence.
Inductive R : nat -> nat -> list evidence -> Prop :=
| Base1 : R 0 1 [B1]
| Base2 : R 0 2 [B2]
| Ind : forall n m es, R n m es -> R (n+1) (m+1) (Step n m :: es).
Lemma R_B2 (n : nat) (es : list evidence) : R n (n + 2) es -> In B2 es.
generalize dependent n.
induction es as [|e es' IHes'].
- now intros Rnn2nil; inversion Rnn2nil.
- intros n Rnn2.
case es' as [| e' es''].
+ inversion Rnn2.
* now left.
* now inversion H2.
+ inversion Rnn2.
apply (IHes' n0).
now replace (n0 + 2) with m by lia.
You can probably simplify this proof, and avoid lia
if you want.