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Robot Framework unable to find the right address for a link

I'm running a Corona Jupyter notebook every day manually and want to automate this using Robot Framework.

Here is the code:

Library           RPA.Browser.Selenium

# ...

${result1}=    Open Using Run Dialog    C:/Python/runJupyter.bat    C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe
Open Browser    http://localhost:8888/?token=c08...    chrome    alias=chrome
Maximize Browser Window
Click Element    //span[contains(text(), 'Corona')]
Sleep    1s
Click Element    //span[contains(text(),"corona.ipynb")]
Sleep    3s
${handle}=    Switch Window    NEW # took me a while to find this
${title}=    Get Title
Log    ${title} # check if the right Tab is active
Pause Execution
# //*[contains(@id,"run_all_cells")] # error
# //a[contains(text(), 'Run All')] # also error
# //a[text()='Run All'] # also error
Click Element    //*[contains(@id,"run_all_cells")] # error
Pause Execution

Finally I want to Run All lines of the notebook. None of the xpath variants work even if I inspected the html code using chrome. The message I get is: Message: element not interactable

What is the right xpath for Run All?

EDIT: The section of interest looks as follows:

 <li class="dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Cell</a>
                    <ul id="cell_menu" class="dropdown-menu">
                        <li id="run_cell" title="Run this cell, and move cursor to the next one">
                            <a href="#">Run Cells</a></li>
                        <li id="run_cell_select_below" title="Run this cell, select below">
                            <a href="#">Run Cells and Select Below</a></li>
                        <li id="run_cell_insert_below" title="Run this cell, insert below">
                            <a href="#">Run Cells and Insert Below</a></li>
                        <li id="run_all_cells" title="Run all cells in the notebook">
                            <a href="#">Run All</a></li>
                        <li id="run_all_cells_above" title="Run all cells above (but not including) this cell">
                            <a href="#">Run All Above</a></li>
                        <li id="run_all_cells_below" title="Run this cell and all cells below it">
                            <a href="#">Run All Below</a></li>
                        <li class="divider"></li>


  • There is an additional step required to open the drop down menu with Click Element //a[text()='Cell'] before clicking the link element to "Run All"