I am using retrofit2.6.2 for api call. LoggingInterceptor showing full response in logcat but retrofit response body return null. I didn't figure out where is my problem.
My json data schema is
"msg":"Banner Found",
Model Class BannerRes
data class BannerRes(
val actionType: Int?,
val actionUrl: String?,
val activity: String?,
val error: Boolean?,
val id: String?,
val imageUrl: String?,
val msg: String?,
val visible: Boolean?
Api Interface
suspend fun getBanner(
@Query("bannerName") bannerName: String,
): Response<BannerRes>
Api call done here
private fun loadPremiumBanner() {
Coroutines.main {
val res = viewModel.getBanner("VipPremium1")
Log.d("Response", res.body()!!.msg!!)
When I print response body using
Log.d("Response", Gson().toJson(res.body()))
It shows the the response in logcat, Logcat
{"error":false,"msg":"Banner Found","id":"9","activity":"VipPremium1","imageUrl":"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Kh3RQlJH7Xw/X-1mIPi7_HI/AAAAAAAAFME/Y2bCnU5odngcdDT83uC9QwUr7IGJdTDfACLcBGAsYHQ/s2616/COMPRESSED_IMG_1609393684674.jpg","actionUrl":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dukJX5ZgJec4","actionType":1.0,"visible":true}
but when access res.body()!!.msg
It shows null.
Retrofit Setup
companion object {
private var myApiInstance: MyApi? = null
private val LOCK = Any()
operator fun invoke() = myApiInstance ?: synchronized(LOCK) {
myApiInstance ?: createClient().also {
myApiInstance = it
private fun createClient(): MyApi {
val AUTH: String = "Basic ${
val interceptor = run {
val httpLoggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
httpLoggingInterceptor.apply {
httpLoggingInterceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor { chain ->
val original: Request = chain.request()
val requestBuilder: Request.Builder = original.newBuilder()
.addHeader("Authorization", AUTH)
.method(original.method, original.body)
val request: Request = requestBuilder.build()
val gsonBuilder = GsonBuilder()
val gson = gsonBuilder.create()
return Retrofit.Builder()
I resolved this issue by adding kotlin model data class member filed default value. I don't know what is the reason behind this,
Old data class
data class BannerRes(
val actionType: Int?,
val actionUrl: String?,
val activity: String?,
val error: Boolean?,
val id: String?,
val imageUrl: String?,
val msg: String?,
val visible: Boolean?
Modified or data class with member field default value which fix my problem
data class BannerRes(
@SerializedName("error") var error : Boolean = true,
@SerializedName("msg") var msg : String? = null,
@SerializedName("id") var id : String? = null,
@SerializedName("activity") var activity : String? = null,
@SerializedName("imageUrl") var imageUrl : String? = null,
@SerializedName("actionUrl") var actionUrl : String? = null,
@SerializedName("actionType") var actionType : Int = 0,
@SerializedName("visible") var visible : Boolean = false