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Recover code modules from corrupt vba pptm file

I opened my .pptm ppt vba macro source file for editing, it showed this dialog a few times.

enter image description here

once I open alt+F11 to VBA editor, it has all the forms but the underlying code is not opening, also the modules are unresponsive.

enter image description here

Can anybody suggest a way to recover code/modules from this corrupt file. I have the latest .ppam addin output, I can share the corrupted .pptm file if there is way to attach here. Thanks for the help folks!


  • Tossing this in as an answer as well as the comment. Better formatting!

    Make sure PowerPoint is NOT running, then open REGEDIT.

    Go to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\PowerPoint\Options Replace xx.0 with your PPT version: 16.0 for 2016/2019/365, 15.0 for 2013, 14.0 for 2010 etc. 12.0 is 2007. There's no 13.0; MS is apparently superstitious.

    Rightclick Options and choose New, DWORD Value Name it: DebugAddins Doubleclick it and change its value to 1 Close Regedit.

    Start PowerPoint and open the VBA IDE.

    All of your installed VBA addins will appear as projects that you can open and edit, so long as they're not password protected (and if you know the password, you're good to go).

    Note that you cannot SAVE your edited code. You'll need to copy/paste it back into a PPT/PPTM file and save that, or export the modules you've edited and import them into the original PPT/PPTM.

    You can generally have both the source PPT/PPTM and the addin code loaded in the IDE; just be sure you stay aware of which is which.