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SQLite Window functions: give NULL result when sufficient window size is not available

create table boll as select
     *, (avg(close) over win)-2*sqrt((avg(close*close) over win)-pow((avg(close) over win),2)) as BOLD,
     (avg(close) over win)+2*sqrt((avg(close*close) over win)-pow((avg(close) over win),2)) as BOLU
     from bhav
     window win as (partition by isin order by timestamp rows 19 preceding);

With the above query, is there a way to return NULL from calculations over window win if there are less than 19 rows preceding the current?


  • You can use COUNT() window function over the window that you define to check how many rows there are:

    create table boll as 
    select *, 
           CASE WHEN COUNT(*) OVER win >= 19 THEN (avg(close) over win) - 2 * sqrt((avg(close*close) over win)-pow((avg(close) over win),2)) END as BOLD,
           CASE WHEN COUNT(*) OVER win >= 19 THEN (avg(close) over win)+2*sqrt((avg(close*close) over win)-pow((avg(close) over win),2)) END as BOLU
    from bhav
    window win as (partition by isin order by timestamp rows 19 preceding);