I want to pass browser automatically store cookies and manually added cookies in JMeter request. enter image description here
Default cookie manager to use to get default cookies to browser create into pet-type-3. HTTP Cookie Manager uses to add manually cookies to that request. but that request also passes only default requests in browser creation.
How to pass these two types of cookies in this request.
Given you're providing valid cookies which match domain and path - they will be added along with the cookies coming in Set-Cookie response header
as you can see by cookie foo
with the value of bar
has beed added to the "normal" cookies used by google
So I believe you just need to move your HTTP Cookie Manager to be direct child of the Thread Group as currently it's being applied to /pet-type-3
sampler only and in order to catch the cookies you call "browser" ones it need to be applied to all HTTP Request samplers.
More information: JMeter Scoping Rules - The Ultimate Guide