The audio, video conferencing devices, microhones headset and other devices which are used for microsoft team calls and conferences, where are thisdata is stored?
How can I request a list for this devices overall users or for a special user. Is an intune -license needed for that or are there other ways to request this information e.g. with a graph api call?
Updated 04.10.2021: I know it is possible to get call records after end calls and from this i get the device informations. That is not my question. I would know if there is a possibility to request the devivices a user has connected in the past.
So is there a way to get the infos of connected audio, video devices independend from a ended call. Because i have no available intune license , i don't know if intune only manage client devices or other devices like audio and video devices too. so that was the reason I mention intune.
But my question is: Is there a way with graph api or different api to get the connected or registered audio video devices on azure for a user identified with UPN (not locally with running command line tools for requesting audio video devices from the locally device manager).
As per my knowledge, we do not have such API available to get the list of devices, using which user has connected in the past.