I was wondering, how I can do the following in C++?
template <typename T>
T doSomething(T x, T y) {
T result = /*do something*/;
return result;
template <typename T , typename V>
T doMore(**input doSomething as template**, V v){
T result = doSomething<V>(v,0);
return result;
I am basically trying to use a template function with its template valuetype in another function as such, is there any way to do that?
You cannot pass (the set of) function template as argument (you can pass specific instantiation though).
You might pass functor to solve your issue:
template <typename T>
T doSomething(T x, T y) {
T result = /*do something*/;
return result;
template <typename F, typename V>
T doMore(F f, V v){
T result = f(v, V{0});
return result;
And then
doMore([](auto x, auto y){ return doSomething(x, y); }, 42);