Is there any difference between the response messages in the following sequence diagrams?
Moreover: Should a sequence diagram be accurate in exposing actors' messages or could it abstract from certain problems which could make the diagram more complex?
More specifically: could a return message be like the one shown here, where it summarises what another piece of the diagram should show instead?
The rectangles on the life lines show activity of the object. So in the first diagram the object will have some pause between receipt and reply while in the lower one it's straight busy. That might or might not be interesting and depends on the context where you show that diagram.
You can send messages from actor (instances) which is ok to show where the message comes from. It will be obvious that the actor is not really sending the message but it will come from some (unspecific) object being triggered by the actor. However, the way the message is rendered is not ok. Either you let it come of the actor's rectangle below or you let it start completele from mesage endpoint (black bullet).