I get confused at Rails pluralising and camelcasing. Especially with my long but clear names.
I have a User
model and an Account
model. I also have a user_to_account_log_history
model and controller for saving transfers between the two. The relationships are setup.
I ran...
$ rails generate controller UserToAccountLogHistories
...which created the following:
# app/controllers/user_to_account_log_histories_controller.rb
class UserToAccountLogHistoriesController < ApplicationController
# a simple index method
# app/models/user_to_account_log_history.rb
class UserToAccountLogHistory < ActiveRecord::Base
My routes seems to be in place (rake routes
output, truncated):
user_usertoaccountloghistories GET /users/:user_id/usertoaccountloghistories(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"usertoaccountloghistories"}
But I'm getting an uninitialized constant UsertoaccountloghistoriesController
. Why? I get the feeling it´s the long names camelcasing and pluralising that messes things up.
The problem is that you have a class called UserToAccountLogHistoriesController
but no class called UsertoaccountloghistoriesController
-- note the difference in capitalisation here.
It's not clear from your question exactly how you've defined your route, but I suspect that you've got a route referring to usertoaccountloghistories
when actually you want to refer to user_to_account_log_histories
In the rails console, observe the following:
> "hello_world".camelize
# => "HelloWorld"
> "helloworld".camelize
# => "Helloworld"