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Property 'attribs' does not exist on type 'Element' [cheerio]

I am getting the error Property 'attribs' does not exist on type 'Element' while running code. I am not sure why it is throwing this error. I checked the type definitions of cheerio and found that attribs is the property of TagElement. I am not sure how can I fix it as it is automatically picking the type Element for element. I am new to typescript so maybe I am making a newbie mistake.

const $ = cheerio.load(response.body),
    selection = $('td:nth-child(1) .spaceit_pad'),
    filteredNodes = [];

selection.toArray().map((element) => {
    const attr = element.attribs;
    if (attr.class.split(' ').length === 1) {
        console.log(typeof element);


  • You can try using a typeguard to check if it is a tagElement you found with your selection:

    const isTagElement = (element: any): element is cheerio.TagElement => {
      return element?.attribs !== undefined;
    selection.toArray().map((element: cheerio.Element) => {
      if (isTagElement(element)) {
        const attr = element.attribs;
        if (attr.class.split(" ").length === 1) {
          console.log(typeof element);