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Jenkins get variable GIT_URL is not available if "Skip default checkout" is marked

If I set in Jenkinsfile:

options { skipDefaultCheckout() }

then in steps in pipeline below, variable ${env.GIT_URL} appeared do not available. For example cannot complete step:

stage('Clean checkout') {
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "master"]],
                         userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${env.GIT_URL}"]]])

in this step variable ${env.GIT_URL} = null due to build console log.

But if you enable back default checkout, so delete:

options { skipDefaultCheckout() }

Then ${env.GIT_URL} became available. Is it expected behaviour? I cannot see Git plugin variables in Pipeline where disabled declarative checkout?


  • It is the expected behavior. Source: