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Removing whitespaces/blankspaces/newlines from scraped data

I have scraped data from a url using beautiful soup. But after cleaning there are a number of blankspaces/ whitespaces/newlines in the cleaned data. I tried .strip() function to remove those. But it is still present.


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
html_content = requests.get(URL).text
cleantext = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "lxml").text
cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
clean_data = re.sub(cleanr, ' ', cleantext)
text = re.sub('([^\x00-\x7F]+)|(\n)|(\t)',' ', clean_data)
with open('read.txt', 'w') as file:


   America the Beautiful: A Virtual Patriotic Salute   Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra                                                                                           Contact             Hit enter to search or ESC to close                                     About  Our Team Our Conductor Orchestra Members   Concerts & Events  Season 72 Concerts Subscribe Venue, Parking & Concerts FAQs   Support The FSO  Donate to FSO Sponsor a Chair Funding and Impact   Videos Donate Subscription Tickets                  All Events   This event has passed. America the Beautiful: A Virtual Patriotic Salute  July 4, 2020         Violin Virtuoso Beethoven Virtual 5k             In place of our traditional 4th of July concert at the Pepsi Amphitheater, the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra will present a virtual patriotic salute to be released HERE and our Facebook page at on July 4, 2020 at 11am. The FSO is proud to offer a special rendition of  America the Beautiful  performed by 60 of their professional musicians, coming together virtually, to celebrate our nation s independence. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS   + Google Calendar+ iCal Export     Details    Date:    July 4, 2020   Event Category: Concerts and Events             Violin Virtuoso Beethoven Virtual 5k                   Concert InfoConcerts Concerts and Events FAQs     FSO InfoAbout FSO Mission and History Our Team Our Conductor Orchestra Members     Support FSOMake a Donation Underwriting a Concert Sponsor a Chair Advertise with FSO Volunteer Leave a Legacy Donor Bill of Rights Code of Ethical Standards  (Used by permission of the Association of Fundraising Professionals)     ResourcesCommunity & Education For Musicians For Board Members             2021 Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra. 
           Copyright 2019 Flagstaff Symphony Association                             About  Our Team Our Conductor Orchestra Members   Concerts & Events  Season 72 Concerts Subscribe Venue, Parking & Concerts FAQs   Support The FSO  Donate to FSO Sponsor a Chair Funding and Impact   Videos Donate Subscription Tickets   Contact  

In the above code I replaced unicode characters with ' ' (blankspace). If i didnt replace with blank space then several words will be joined together. What i am trying to obtain is a string data type with no unnecessary spaces and new line data.

Added Question

I tried every methods like strip(), re.sub() etc to replace the space at the beginning of some lines in a text. But nothing works for the following data

Subscription Tickets
 All Events
This event has passed.
America the Beautiful: A Virtual Patriotic Salute
July 4, 2020
 Violin Virtuoso
Beethoven Virtual 5k 

How can we remove those spaces


  • It's not clear whether you want to retain some whitespaces for readability. In case you do, you can try this approach:

    Update: Added code to only retain alpha-numeric characters except for a character exclusion list.


    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import requests
    def clean_scraped_text(raw_text):
        # strip whitespaces from start and end of raw text
        stripped_text = raw_text.strip()
        processed_text = ''
        for i, char in enumerate(stripped_text):
            # add a single '\n' to processed_text for every sequence of '\n'
            if char == '\n':
                if stripped_text[i - 1] != '\n':
                    processed_text += '\n'
                # if character is not '\n' add it to new_text
                processed_text += char
        # clean whitespaces from each line in new_text
        cleaned_text = ''
        for line in processed_text.splitlines():
            # only retain alphanumeric characters and listed characters 
            exclude_list = [' ', '\xa0', '-']
            line = ''.join(x for x in line if x.isalnum() or (x in exclude_list))
            cleaned_text += line.strip() + '\n'
        return cleaned_text
    html_content = requests.get(URL).text
    text = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "lxml").text


    America the Beautiful A Virtual Patriotic Salute  Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra
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    America the Beautiful A Virtual Patriotic Salute
    July 4 2020
    Violin Virtuoso
    Beethoven Virtual 5k
    In place of our traditional 4th of July concert at the Pepsi Amphitheater the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra will present a virtual patriotic salute to be released HERE and our Facebook page at on July 4 2020 at 11am The FSO is proud to offer a special rendition of America the Beautiful performed by 60 of their professional musicians coming together virtually to celebrate our nations independence
    Google Calendar iCal Export
    July 4 2020
    Event Category Concerts and Events
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    Beethoven Virtual 5k
    Concert InfoConcerts
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