hello I'm new to wordpress plugin development I have recently added a menu page to my dashboard using procedural php , and it worked perfectly ,but when I jumped to oop php I have faced this problem "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function add_menu_page() " I have looked to the same problems but no helped me
`class abc_adding_page{
public function addingpage(){
add_menu_page('abcba_products' ,'abcba_products' ,'manage_options' ,'abcba_products', function(){} ,'dashicons-store' ,110);
return $this ;
public function hooking(){
add_action('admin_menu' , array($this ,'addingpage'));
$x = new abc_adding_page();
You don't need to run the addingpage
method. WordPress works on hooks. Just add a hook and the hook's callback will be run in a needed time when all functions for this functionality loaded.
class abc_adding_page{
public function addingpage(){
add_menu_page('abcba_products' ,'abcba_products' ,'manage_options' ,'abcba_products', function(){} ,'dashicons-store' ,110);
public function hooking(){
add_action('admin_menu' , array($this ,'addingpage'));
$x = new abc_adding_page();