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Can I create a map of {instanceid: valueOfNameTag} using terraform data?

I want to get a map using terraform data which has the following structure:

  instance-id(e.g. i-xxxx): ValueOfNameTag(e.g. MongoDB)

I can get the instance details individually like below

data "aws_instance" "test" {
  instance_id = "i-0ecb3c2fb4436b6fe"

But don't know hot to do it for all and create a map out of it.


  • This is essentially a three step process. The first step (already exists according to comments) is to retrieve the desired list of instance IDs:

    data "aws_instances" "this" {
      # arguments to select specific subset of instances

    The list(string) of instances IDs will be stored in the exported resource attribute ids.

    The second step is to retrieve the tags of each individual instance:

    data "aws_instance" "this" {
      # iterate over subset of desired instances by ID
      for_each = toset(data.aws_instances.this.ids)
      instance_id = each.value

    The tags for each instance will be stored in the exported resource attribute tags, and therefore can be accessed via the namespace data.aws_instance.this["<instance id>"].tags as per normal in Terraform HCL2 DSL.

    The third step is to perform a data transformation to construct a map where the key is the instance ID, and the value of a tag is the value. The example given in the question was for the value of the Name tag, so that is what we will use here in the example:

    locals {
      instance_name = { for id, attributes in data.aws_instance.this : id => attributes.tags["Name"] }

    and the desired map of instance IDs to their respective Name tag will be stored in local.instance_name as expected. You could alternatively iterate over the data.aws_instances.this.ids list(string) in a for lambda expression and map to the exported attributes from the data.aws_instance.this[each.value].tags["Name"], but the above algorithm is slightly cleaner and slightly more efficient.