I have a question about the QTreeWidgetItems
I try when I eg. Have 5 different branched childs and click on the bottom (or last) to get the object name of the topLevelItem
. I get it too, but the code for it becomes confusing.
So I would like to ask if there is a more moderate way to get the topLevelItem
than with this code:
def treeItem(self):
return self.treeWidget.selectedItems()[0]
def writeJson(self, data, filename="langJson/jsonFile.json"):
with open(filename, "r+") as f:
filedata = json.load(f)
#if data not in filedata:
for x in range(2):
if self.treeItem().parent().parent().text(0) == self.treeWidget.topLevelItem(x).text(0) or \
self.treeItem().parent().parent().parent().text(0) == self.treeWidget.topLevelItem(x).text(0):
json.dump(filedata, f, sort_keys=True,indent=4)
if self.treeItem().parent().text(0) == self.treeWidget.topLevelItem(x).text(0):
json.dump(filedata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
I click on this picture, for example. to gg
and want to display Python
without the repetitions of parent (). parent () ...
Note: I created the program with the Qt designer, so I didn't post all of the code. But if necessary I edit something about it.
Tree structures require implementing recursive functions.
To get the top level item of a child, use a while loop to get the parent until a valid parent is found:
def topLevelParent(self, item):
while item.parent():
item = item.parent()
return item
Then you just call topLevelParent
with whatever item you get and the top level will always be returned, even if the given item is a top level one.