I have a simple table:
CREATE TABLE contact (
id serial NOT NULL,
"firstName" varchar NOT NULL,
"middleName" varchar NULL,
"lastName" varchar NOT NULL
How to construct a query to search across all fields with partial support?
Assuming I have the following entries:
firstName middleName lastName
John Mark Smith
Barbara Alice Johnson
John Bob Johson
When I search for:
'joh smi' or 'smi joh' I would like to retrieve the first record
but when I search for 'joh joh' I would only like to retrieve the last record but not the first two.
If you use two words to search (one name and one last name but you don't know which is which), you can create a function like this:
CREATE FUNCTION twoWordsSearchForContacts(words text) RETURNS SETOF contact AS
aWords text[] := string_to_array(words, ' ');
word1 text := aWords[1];
word2 text := aWords[2];
FROM contact
WHERE ("lastName" ILIKE '%' || word1 || '%' AND "firstName" || ' ' || "middleName" ILIKE '%' || word2 || '%')
OR ("lastName" ILIKE '%' || word2 || '%' AND "firstName" || ' ' || "middleName" ILIKE '%' || word1 || '%');
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Using the function:
SELECT * FROM twoWordsSearchForContacts('smi joh');
You can also split words directly in the query without using a function.