Search code examples

Multiple words search across multiple columns

I have a simple table:

CREATE TABLE contact (
    id serial NOT NULL,
    "firstName" varchar NOT NULL,
    "middleName" varchar NULL,
    "lastName" varchar NOT NULL

How to construct a query to search across all fields with partial support?

Assuming I have the following entries:

firstName middleName lastName
John      Mark       Smith
Barbara   Alice      Johnson
John      Bob        Johson

When I search for:

'joh smi' or 'smi joh' I would like to retrieve the first record

but when I search for 'joh joh' I would only like to retrieve the last record but not the first two.


  • If you use two words to search (one name and one last name but you don't know which is which), you can create a function like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION twoWordsSearchForContacts(words text) RETURNS SETOF contact AS
    aWords text[] := string_to_array(words, ' ');
    word1 text := aWords[1];
    word2 text := aWords[2];
                   FROM contact 
                   WHERE ("lastName" ILIKE '%' || word1 || '%' AND "firstName" || ' ' || "middleName" ILIKE '%' || word2 || '%')
                           OR ("lastName" ILIKE '%' || word2 || '%' AND "firstName" || ' ' || "middleName" ILIKE '%' || word1 || '%');
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    Using the function:

    SELECT * FROM twoWordsSearchForContacts('smi joh');

    You can also split words directly in the query without using a function.