In my edit form, I want to add a button to save and edit the following user.
I am trying that the "next" button takes me to the next record in alphabetical order.
I have only managed to order by ID
// In a model
public function next(){
return User::where('id', '>', $this->id)->orderBy('nombre','asc')->first();
public function previous(){
return User::where('id', '<', $this->id)->orderBy('nombre','desc')->first();
You need to use the rank function of mysql and raw query
For previous record
\DB::select('SELECT * FROM (SELECT RANK() OVER (ORDER BY nombre ASC) ranking, users.* FROM `users`) user where ranking < {previous_record_rank} ORDER BY ranking asc limit 1;');
For next record
\DB::select('SELECT * FROM (SELECT RANK() OVER (ORDER BY nombre ASC) ranking, users.* FROM `users`) user where ranking > {previous_record_rank} ORDER BY ranking asc limit 1;');
And you need to set the mysql.strict to false in config/database.php
\DB::statement("SET SQL_MODE=''");