Howdy I have a project that only needs to display the first 5 items in the loop of over 30 items, below is my code
struct Introductions: Codable, Identifiable {
let id: String
let topIntros: String?
let image: String
let date: String
ForEach(introductions) { introduction in
NavigationLink(destination: IntroductionDetailView(introduction: introduction)) {
IntroductionsView(introduction: introduction)
I tried using this method but xcode crashed crashed after i scrolled past the fifth item
ForEach(introductions, id: \.topIntros) { introduction in
NavigationLink(destination: IntroductionDetailView(introduction: introduction)) {
IntroductionsView(introduction: introduction)
you could try something like this:
if (introductions.count >= 5) {
ForEach(introductions.prefix(upTo: 5), id:\.id) { introduction in
NavigationLink(destination: IntroductionDetailView(introduction: introduction)) {
IntroductionsView(introduction: introduction)