I have a while-break-loop in Python that has to search for pairs with the letters [('H', 'Y')]. It should stop as soon as it finds a letter H (hybrid 'Y' and 'N') in frozensets (first element) and a 'Y' in the second element, and print 'No'.
def dt(z):
Y = all(letter=='Y' for number,letter in z)
N = all(letter=='N' for number,letter in z)
H = (not Y) and (not N)
return 'Y' if Y else ('N' if N else 'H')
conj=[{(frozenset({(9,'N'), (3,'Y')}), 3,'Y'), (frozenset({(9,'Y'), (3,'N')}), 3,'Y')}, {(frozenset({(9,'Y'), (2,'Y')}), 3,'Y')}]
flag = 'Yes'
while flag == 'Yes':
for i in conj:
i = list(i)
for j in i:
s0 = list(j[0])
t0 = list(j[-1])
u0 = list(t0[-1])
v0 = dt(s0)
diag = list(zip(v0,u0))
if diag == [('H','Y')]:
flag = 'No'
Although it deduces correctly that the flag is 'Yes' or 'No', it is searching all the sets. In the example above, it gives the answer:
[('H', 'Y')]
[('Y', 'Y')]
The [('Y','Y')] should not be printed, it should stop just after running (frozenset({(9,'Y'), (3,'N')}), 3,'Y'). It would be very useful for more complicated sets. How could I improve this? It should stop as soon as it finds a pair [('H','Y')] if there exists one.
I am not sure what your initial value of z
parameter is but using z = [('H', 'Y'), ('Y', 'Y')])
and adjusting indentation of the final break
appears to provide the expected behavior:
flag = 'Yes'
while flag == 'Yes':
for i in conj:
i = list(i)
for j in i:
s0 = list(j[0])
t0 = list(j[-1])
u0 = list(t0[-1])
v0 = dt(s0)
diag = list(zip(v0,u0))
if diag == [('H','Y')]:
flag = 'No'
z = [('H', 'Y'), ('Y', 'Y')]
[('H', 'Y')]