I've tried @react-native-community/netinfo to check the internet reachability. But the scenario I want to implement is, suppose if my device is connected to a wifi hotspot from another device and if that device's mobile data is turned off I want to show an offline toast.
componentDidMount() {
NetInfo.addEventListener(status => {
isConnected: status.isConnected,
isInternetReachable: status.isInternetReachable
render() {
if (!this.state.isInternetReachable && this.props.isOfflineNoticeVisible) {
return <MiniOfflineSign />;
return null;
But in this case, when the mobile data of the other device is turned off, it doesn't handle the change.
The non-deprecated way (using functional components) with the @react-native-community/netinfo
package is now:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import NetInfo from "@react-native-community/netinfo";
useEffect(() => {
return NetInfo.addEventListener(state => {
// use state.isInternetReachable or some other field
// I used a useState hook to store the result for use elsewhere
}, []);
This will run the callback whenever the state changes, and unsubscribe when the component unmounts.