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Testing alphabetical order after looping over elements

I try to code something that will check the alphabetical order of the options in a dropdown menu. So what I do is to loop through the dropdown menu and adding the values of the options into an array. Then I want to check if the values of the array are in alphabetical order. So far I have this code:

var optionsArray = []
cy.get('#filter1 option').each(($el, index) => {
    optionsArray[index] = $el.text()


<select id="filter1" class="form-control abc">
<option value="" selected="selected">text1</option>
<option value="text2">text2</option>
<option value="text3">text3</option><!----></select>

The problem is it passes the test when it should not. The following appears in the console: expected [] to equal [] And the expect() command seems to run before any other command that should run before.

How can I sort the values in the array in alphabetical order and compare if the options are equal?

EDIT: This is the new code that works:

        var optionsArray = []
        var optionsArraySorted = []
        cy.get('#filter1 option').each(($el, index) => {
        .then(() => {


  • Because of the asynchronous nature of Cypress commands, you have to add .then() after .each() for that to work.

    Try this

    var optionsArray = []
    cy.get('#filter1 option').each(($el, index) => {
        optionsArray[index] = $el.text()
    .then(() => {
      expect(optionsArray).to.deep.equal(optionsArray.sort())  // note deep for arrays