I have to make an algorithm that matches items from two arrays, we are not allowed to sort either array first, we can only match by comparison with an item from array 1 to and an item to array 2 (comparisons being <,=,>). The output is two lists and they have the same order. I can think of ways to solve it using n(n+1)/2 time. The goal is nlog(n). I have been banging my head against a wall trying to think of a way but I can't. Can anyone give me a hint?
So to explain the input is two arrays ex. A = [1,3,6,2,5,4] B =[4,2,3,5,1,6] and the output is the two arrays with the same order. You can not sort the arrays individually first or compare items within the same array. You can only compare items across lists like so A_1<B_1, A_2=B_3, A_4<B_3.
Similar to quicksort:
Use a random A-element to partition B into smaller-B, equal-B and larger-B. Use its equal B-element to partition A. Recursively match smaller-A with smaller-B as well as larger-A with larger-B.
Just like quicksort, expected time is O(n log n) and worst case is O(n2).