So, for now im just trying to apply different rules to each one of the collections I have on my database but everytime i've tried this, it just rejects every operation no matter what, but accepts the operations if the rule is general for the whole database
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents{
match /users/{user} {
allow read, write, update, delete: if
request.auth !=null
match /productos/{product} {
allow read;
allow write, update, delete:
if request.auth !=null
match /business/{business} {
allow read;
allow write, update, delete: if
request.auth !=null
match /orders/{order} {
allow write, update, delete: if
request.auth !=null
allow read;
match /business/{business} {
allow read;
allow write, update, delete: if
request.auth !=null
match /orders/{order} {
allow write, update, delete: if
request.auth !=null
allow read;
this is what I'm trying and what I've seen on the internet but it just doesn't work
Matches are hierarchical, so they all need to be under match /databases/{database}/documents{
to match anything in your database. So the last two match
statements in your rules won't work unless you prefix the path with /databases/{database}/documents