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Python unique concatenate value of a column in another

I'm trying to perform this process, imagine to have the following and I want to obtain col4. :

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col 4 Col 5
SF 123 QW QW, BF 1
SF 456 AF AF 2
SO xxx AF AF, BF 3
SO yyy GD GD 4
SF 123 BF QW, BF 1
RE xxx BF AF, BF 5

For the purpose of aggragation I'm using these 2 lines of code:

df[df['col1']!='SF'].groupby(['Col2']).agg({'Col3' : lambda x: ','.join(x.unique())})

But I don't know how to put them on df. I tried also a merge but didn't work. I only hope to have been clear!!

Thanks so much in advance

EDIT 1 Sorry for not being clear. Before to perform any line of code I have Col1, Col2, Col3, Col5. Col4 is the output I would like to obtain.


  • You transform instead of agg to assign back to the original DataFrame:

    df["Col4"] = df.groupby("Col2")["Col3"].transform(lambda x: ", ".join(x.unique()))